Will Hypnosis Help You Get Rid of Smoking Habit?

“It’s all about your willpower”, everyone says this when anyone wants to quit smoking. But does it help? May be or maybe not. When we say smoking, most smokers are hooked on a habit that they want to quit but don’t know how. Though there are so many ways to quit smoking, statistics suggest that hypnosis is the most effective and holistic way to quit smoking.

Stop Smoking Hypnosis – Will It Work?

Quitting smoking can be a real challenge but it will be great if you can get rid of this deadly habit. Smoking is injurious to health as it increases your risk for cancer, strokes, lung disease, heart disease and many other health issues.

Hypnosis is the most effective way to stop smoking in which you reach an altered state of awareness and your hypnotist help you to reprogram your subconscious mind to help you quit smoking. During the session, your hypnotist may ask you to imagine the consequences of smoking and give suggestions to quit.

Though we cannot say that hypnosis is the only way to stop smoking but statistics suggest this is the most effective way to quit smoking. Also, the technique helps you reach a state of relaxation and your subconscious mind is more receptive to suggestions.

Your hypnotist will also teach you some self-relaxation, visualization and breathing techniques to combat any craving.

So, yes ‘stop smoking hypnosis’ can help you quit the habit and choose a healthy lifestyle…

Can You Overcome Social Anxiety with Hypnosis?

Any form of anxiety can be dangerous to your mental as well as physical health as it’s the result of submerged trauma. Is hypnosis effective for social anxiety? For most people, that sounds unbelievable but in many cases hypnotherapy proves to be a powerful tool for managing social anxiety. Hypnosis is not  only used  anxiety disorders  but also chronic physical conditions linked to anxiety.

How Hypnosis helps overcome Social Anxiety?

Anxiety is often linked with certain events and when a person experiences the similar event again, the trauma gets reactivated. Therefore, the main emphasis is to help separate your anxiety response by providing post-hypnotic suggestions as well as neutralizing those negative emotions in the subconscious mind. Before starting with the hypnosis process, your hypnotist should take detailed history about the trauma or any past situation or incident that triggered the anxiety and stress response.

The goal is to help you enter an altered state of consciousness allowing you to be highly responsive to positive suggestions. The suggestions will help you get rid of automatic thinking and stressful social situation. Every session will help you understand how to respond to the stressful stimuli subconsciously and you will be in a better position to control your mind.

In short, hypnosis can help you eliminate these subconscious responses that trigger anxiety and empower you to be more in tune with your thoughts.

Here’s a problem: Most people don’t have the clue how to get started with hypnosis. If you are looking for social anxiety hypnosis NYC, Hypnosisleader can help. Although there are several professional organizations offering the treatment, not all of them are certified hypnotherapists. You should seek an authorized and experienced healthcare professional.

Don’t let your stressful emotions control your life.

Your Key to lose weight and keep it off permanently

Your Key to lose weight and keep it off permanently

Every year, millions of people start all sorts of diets and fads to lose weight. By applying those methods, many do lose weight but eventually, gain it all back and more. When someone goes on a diet, they are just masking the symptoms of a multi-faceted problem. Even though they may be eating less or eating in a particular fashion for a couple of weeks with some positive results, they are not truly addressing the underlying causes of weight gain. So what are the underlying causes of weight gain?

After working with hundreds of clients and researching the issue, I have determined that these are the core issues that need to be addressed to maintain long-term healthy weight.

  1. Food/Sugar addiction
  2. Sleep pattern
  3. Stress
  4. Exercise
  5. Metabolic rate
  6. Thyroid Function
  7. Hormonal imbalance
  8. Certain medications and insulin
  9. Leptin resistance
  10. Insulin resistance
  11. Genetics
  12. Internal biological weight setpoint

For permanent weight loss and healthy weight maintenance, a person needs to address all of the 12 issues mentioned above. Hypnosis is a pivotal tool for addressing the challenge of gaining control over most of these issues.

1. Sugar and Food Addiction

Most individuals seem to be addicted to carbs and/or sugary foods or junk foods. A recently published research paper shows that the top 5 foods that are most addictive in nature are:

  1. a. Pizza
  2. b. Chocolate
  3. c. Cookies
  4. d. Potato chips/Pretzels
  5. e. Ice Cream

When a person has craving for a particular food, most of the time, they will eat it to feel satisfied. Since the origin of most of these desires are in the subconscious mind, cravings can be incredibly difficult to resist. However, this can be changed through subconscious mind programming with hypnosis. Through hypnosis, it can become much easier for a person to reject such cravings.

2. Sleep Pattern

If a person consistently does not have a good night’s sleep, such as if their sleep pattern is disrupted due to shift work, it can lead to a cascade of issues that promote a weight-gaining state in the body.

3. Stress

Stress also plays an important role in weight gain. Even if a person is eating healthily, unmanaged stress can cause weight gain by increasing cortisol levels in the blood. This can lead to the additional problem of adrenal exhaustion. Hypnosis is an effective way to manage stress and control cortisol production.

4. Exercise

A sedentary lifestyle is a significant issue when someone is trying to lose weight. A lack of strength training leads to lean muscle loss in the body. The metabolic rate decreases and the body becomes very inefficient in burning calories. With a decreased metabolic rate, a person might eat less and less food but still not lose weight. In fact, they may even gain weight.

5. Metabolic Rate

Some people may be able to eat anything and still not gain weight. One reason they’re able to do that is because they likely have a very high metabolic rate. In other words, they burn a lot of calories even when they are at rest. However, many people do not have a high metabolic rate. These individuals seem to gain weight even when they are not eating excessively. This promotes a vicious cycle. Someone who is trying to lose weight may decide to eat less and limit their caloric intake. The body enters starvation mode to cope with the deficit in calories. This, in turn, causes the metabolism to slow down even more, which prevents weight loss. Many people experience this phenomenon when they hit a plateau in weight loss and this can lead to eventual weight gain. There are ways, however, to increase metabolic rate. Weighted exercises to increase muscle mass, a good night’s sleep, eating spicy foods, drinking more green tea as well as cold water can all lead to a more active metabolism.

6. Thyroid Function

If the thyroid is not performing well and there are low levels of thyroid hormones, this can slow down the metabolism and trigger weight gain. This can be corrected by proper diagnosis and thyroid hormone replacement.

7. Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance can play a huge role in the weight gain process. This hormonal influence is more evident when someone reaches the menopause stage. For men when they reach the andropause stage when testosterone level is not optimal. Many women have some type of hormonal imbalance, primarily a sex hormone imbalance that causes Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which can cause insulin resistance and weight gain. The best defense when someone has PCOS is to minimize refined carbs and sugar intake as much as possible and to maximize healthy fats and protein intake, along with daily exercise. Consulting physicians and nutritionists who specialize in PCOS syndrome can help in addressing this issue.

8. Certain Medications and Insulin

There are many medications that can promote weight gain, such as the ones listed below:.

  1. A. Insulin and certain diabetic medications like Glipizide, Glyburide, Glimepiride
  2. B. Antipsychotic medications like Clozapine, Haloperidol, Lithium, Olanzapine and Risperidone, etc.
  3. C. Antidepressant medicines like Amitriptyline, Escitalopram, Fluoxetine, Imipramine, Paroxetine and Sertraline, etc.
  4. D. Anticonvulsant/Anti-seizure medications like, Carbamazepine, Gabapentin, Pregabalin and Vigabatrin, etc.
  5. E. Steroid hormones such as Birth control pills and Prednisone.
  6. F. Some blood pressure-reducing medications like beta-blockers such as Atenolol, Metoprolol, Propranolol, etc.

Anytime a person starts to gain weight after starting a new medication, they should consult with their pharmacist and physician.

9. Leptin Resistance

Leptin, also known as the satiety hormone, tells our brain when to stop eating as well as when it is okay to burn calories normally. Leptin is produced in the fat cells of the body and then goes to the brain. Leptin resistance is when there might be enough leptin present in the body, but the brain does not feel its effects. This leads to a decrease in satiety and increased eating, resulting in weight gain.

A simple blood test can measure leptin. Fasting leptin levels in the blood should be about 4-6 ng/dl. Leptin resistance may demonstrate higher than normal leptin levels. Chronic inflammation, high stress, and lack of sleep can cause leptin resistance. A good starting point would be to increase consumption of more non-inflammatory food, reduce triglyceride levels and supplement with Omega-3.

10. Insulin Resistance

Insulin is a hormone that is made in the pancreas and allows cells to absorb and use glucose. According to CDC, about 1 in 3 people or one third of the US population has some type of insulin resistance. If someone has insulin resistance and continues to eat lots of carbs and refined sugar, this can eventually trigger weight gain as well as diabetes. Eating a low-carb diet, exercise, eating enough protein, and managing stress are ways to address insulin resistance. Hypnosis is a wonderful way to gain control in all these areas by reprogramming the subconscious mind.

11. Genetics

Genetics does have some influence in weight gain and obesity. But now we know with epigenetics we can influence our gene expression.

12. Internal biological weight setpoint

Another issue is the internal biological weight setpoint. If a person is maintaining a particular weight for about one year, their internal biological weight “thermostat” accepts that as the normal weight for that person. So, if they start to lose weight rapidly, that thermostat kicks in and tells the body to burn fewer calories so that the same weight set point can be maintained. The internal biological weight setpoint can be successfully reset with hypnosis.

Dr. Kazi Anam’s interviewed by the Epoch Times, New York

Dr. Kazi Anam’s interview published in the Epoch Times newspaper in New York City.

Beneath the hormones, proteins, electricity, and neurons that make up the wiring of the human brain, lies the force that makes our minds work. This force is still an enigma, but we do know that our minds play a powerful role in causing and curing our addictions.

Kazi Anam started working with the principles of hypnosis to help himself succeed in college. Later, while working as a licensed pharmacist, he began looking for ways to help his patients more, and the search lead him to become a health coach and certified hypnotherapist. Mr. Anam explained how hypnotherapy can help people overcome a number of addictions.

Epoch Times: How does hypnosis help people overcome addiction? Have you treated prescription drug addictions?

Dr. Kazi Anam: Hypnosis is a very effective way to combat all types of addictions including prescription drug addiction. Results can be seen within days and weeks instead of months and years. However, hypnosis is vastly underused, mainly due to misconceptions about it.

When a person is under hypnosis, a hypnotist can directly communicate with their subconscious mind bypassing the conscious or critical mind that would question the validity of a particular suggestion.

Our conscious mind always questions validity of any suggestion. Let’s say a person hates to eat vegetables. If the suggestion, “Now you love vegetables,” is given without hypnosis to his/her conscious mind, the conscious mind will reject it immediately with the response, “No, I hate vegetables.”

However, under hypnosis the barrier of the conscious mind is not there to question the validity of the suggestion. Once this suggestion is anchored in the subconscious mind, the person will actually start to love vegetables.

Similarly if the suggestion, “Now you will reject all drugs. You have no craving for drugs,” is given to a drug addict, it will be questioned by the conscious mind, which will say, “No I like drugs.” But under hypnosis the barrier of the conscious mind is not there to question the validity of the suggestion.

However, if an improper suggestion is given, something that is immoral or does not go along with the values of the person, it will not be accepted by the subconscious mind. For instance, if a suggestion like, “You will now rob a bank” is given, it will be rejected by the subconscious.

To help someone overcome addiction, a good hypnotist will neutralize or help eliminate the root cause and then give direct suggestions to create images that become permanently anchored within the subconscious mind.

Let’s say someone has a fear of elevators. This fear is deeply rooted to a cause. Maybe in their life they got stuck in an elevator at an early age and developed this phobia or they knew someone who got stuck in the elevator.

A hypnotherapist will take the person back to the moment when this event took place and then neutralize the fear in that particular scene. This would eliminate the root cause.

Root causes for addictions include stress, poor self-image, frustration, insecurity, feeling out of control, anxiety, relationship problems, career issues, and financial insecurity. Sometimes a shy or timid person might do alcohol or drugs to feel bold and outgoing.

If these root causes are not neutralized then it is very hard to obtain successful and lasting results.

Each type of addiction needs to be addressed in a different way. When treating individuals with prescription drug addiction, it is important for the hypnotist to work with the prescribing physician and generally use of these drugs needs to be reduced over a given period of time.

This gradual tapering off of the dose of a particular drug minimizes withdrawal effects, which could be severe.

Epoch Times: What are some common misconceptions people have about hypnosis treatment?

Dr. Anam: In general, most people have the misconception that under hypnosis, they will be fully controlled by the hypnotist. This stems from the way hypnotists are often portrayed in movies and other media. They imagine that the hypnotist will make them bark like a dog or make them do bizarre things. Most likely they have seen some type of stage hypnosis, where things are done for fun. In reality, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, and a person never loses control or consciousness.

Under hypnosis, a person is very relaxed and their brain waves are of the alpha type, a lower brain wave. Our conscious mind produces waves of the beta type. In clinical hypnosis or medical hypnosis, everything is done just like in any other professional setting.

Epoch Times: What else is involved in treatments besides just hypnosis sessions?

Dr. Anam: Usually, it involves some direct actions. For instance, a smoker looking to quit will be advised to remove all cigarettes and lighters from his or her home. They will need to read some affirmations on a daily basis. In addition, for the first 30 days, they will need to listen to the recording of the hypnosis session. Opinions vary about this, but in my experience, I find that this minimizes the number of sessions required to overcome a particular addiction and prevents relapse.

Epoch Times: When and where did hypnosis as a medical treatment begin?

Dr. Anam: Actually, western scientists first became aware of hypnosis when Frank Mesmer—a physician from Austria—started investigating an effect he called mesmerism. However, James Braid, a Scottish surgeon (1795–1860), is regarded by many to be the first genuine hypnotherapist and the father of modern hypnotism.

In 1955, the British Medical Association approved the use of hypnosis in the areas of psychoneuroses and hypnoanesthesia for pain management in childbirth as well as surgery.

At the same time, the British Medical Association also advised all physicians and medical students to receive fundamental training in hypnosis. In 1958, the American Medical Association approved the medical use of hypnosis.

Epoch Times: Anything else we should know?

Dr. Anam: In addition to its uses in the medical field, hypnosis can be used to improve many facets of personal development such as: public speaking, stage performance, overcoming procrastination, attaining success and wealth, better memory, concentration, work performance, sports enhancement, etc.

Many celebrities, business executives, and other professionals routinely use hypnosis to their benefit. Although the general public is becoming aware of this powerful tool, it will take some time before it is widely accepted.

Why New Year’s resolution fails, how hypnosis can help to succeed over it?

All over the world people make resolution on New Year which includes resolutions like losing weight,quitting alcohol and smoking, procrastination and similar other negative habits. But in a short while one forgets it or breaks out by starting their regular routine again. Now, you might be thinking that why it happens while you convey extreme efforts? It is just because of the subconscious mind that always wins and hence in order to implement your resolution you require the help of hypnosis.

Reason behind failures of resolution

Generally, it has been found that your subconscious mind generates the images of the things that you like the most. However, sometimes your conscious mind gets over it and helps you in leaving your addiction but your subconscious mind regenerates the image that achieves the greed and eventually all your efforts toget over. It wins and you start your addiction.

Therefore, in order to follow the New Year resolution you are required to work on your subconscious mind.The best way to do that is to seek help from a certified leading hypnotist.Theycan help you by reprogramming your subconscious mindregarding the weight loss, stopping of smoking and procrastination. In NYC, Dr.KaziAnam , a leading hypnotist, can help anyone to succeed in their new year’s resolution by reprogramming their subconscious mind.


Hypnosis and New Year’s resolution

Hypnosis is the natural state for the selective and focused attention that is used to bypass the critical factor and accepts the selective thinking. The hypnotisthelps by reprogramming the subconscious mind so one can adapt to the new patterns and thinking. They can help you control your subconscious mind by their knowledge and techniques and thecomplete procedure requires your support and stability.

The Hypnosis Leader in NYC uses this phenomenon and helps people by strengthening their resolve. Through this process one is able to quit their addictions and strengthen their resolution. For this, few sessions are required by the Hypnotist to ensure the complete reprogramming of the subconscious mind and success in proper execution of your New Year resolution.

How hypnosis can help a shopaholic?

Addiction to shopping

Shopaholic is a term which, when used to describe a prodigal wife/husband/child, doesn’t seem much of a disorder. But what if someone goes home to find their family member, whobought a ridiculously overpriced dress when there is no occasion, tells that he/she bought it just because they couldn’t stop themselves from buying it. What if the person finds that it is not the end and that particular member of the family does it on a regular basis of twenty days a month or so and stopped just because he/she could not afford it anymore on that particular month?That is now called a disorder which needs to be addressed. Which if left unattended can grow into a serious addiction.


It doesn’t start on a single day and there may be many reasons for it to take stem. Some may become shopaholics to keep their depressions dormant by buying something fancy while some may go for it just to pass the time until they are consumed by it.

 Hypnosis, an effective way

It is not that easy to keep this compulsive buying disorder in check by one self. If it had been that easy then one wouldn’t have fallen as its prey in the first place.

So there comes a solution in the form of a hypnosis, which works effectively. Hypnosis not only works effectively but it also works in a very short period.

Hypnosis leader helps a person to overcome the disorder by slowly bringing a change in the thought process of that person. NYC hypnotist Dr.Kazi Anam helps a person to overcome shopping addiction with hypnosis and helps a person to eliminate that obsessive urge to shop just for the pleasure of it. By the end of the hypnosissessions a person can emerge as someone who holds complete control over what he/she is going to buy. Such will be the advantage of hypnosis with Dr.Kazi Anam.

By taking this effective path of taking the help of hypnosis leader in NYC, one can not only come out of this disorder but also come out of debts that are caused by it.

Stop Smoking with Hypnosis

Quitting smoking takes a lot of effort and also a lot of restraint on your own self. If you have tried to stop smoking you will know the amount of effort that is required. However, most of the restrictions are faced by you because your subconscious mind is not able to cope up with the idea that you are not going to smoke. In addition to that, when a chain smoker tries to stop smoking suddenly, he/she may experience some withdrawal symptoms. Thus, in this case, an effective solution will be hypnotism.

Hypnotism to stop smoking

A big part of the action of quitting smoking is the ability to let go of the habits that you have been trying so hard to cope with. Thus, you need to practice that. However, with hypnosis, you can really achieve that within a very short duration of time. Hence, if you are trying to stop smoking in New York, then you should try and consult a hypnotist.

An experienced hypnotist will help you overcome your mental fears and barriers about quitting smoking and help you to really stop smoking in NYC or stop smoking in Manhattan.

Hypnotists will help you to quit smoking by changing your thought pattern whereby you will move from “I want to smoke“ to “I do not want to smoke” right after your first session.

Hence, this is the reason, hypnotism can be seen as an effective way to stop smoking, especially so when the other methods have blatantly failed to have an impression on you. Quitting smoking is not as easy as it seems, but with the help of hypnotism, it really does become easier for you. So, all you need to do in order to stop smoking in NYC is to consult a hypnotist today. All the best!

Why Hypnosis works so fast?

The basic question about hypnosis is what is it? It is a relaxed state of mind which can be achieved by  reducing the hyperactivity of the brain. Generally, according to a survey conducted by the World Health Organization, 90 % of the world’s population  are hypnotizable.

How do hypnosis works?

Hypnosis works in a scientific way which approaches your issues, fears, goals and blocks, which are present in your subconscious mind. Perhaps the success of hypnosis lies in the fact that it helps you to interact with your innate feelings and behaviors and the place where they reside. Hypnosis ususally addresses the root cause of the issue.


Hypnotherapists help to clear the neurological paths which may obstruct your thought process and also the habits you have been trying very hard to incorporate in yourself. This is why hypnosis  is an effective means of reducing and eradicating the practices you have been trying hard to stop.

Why Hypnosis is an effective means for changing your habit?

As mentioned previously hypnosis helps you to reach that part of your mind where you are facing obstacles. Hence, this is a much better way to solve the problems that arise due to your thoughts. Practically, your habits are a result of your thoughts which are thought day in and day out and hence, it is easy to change your habits when you will reach the reason for it.

Also, since hypnosis affect your thoughts, hence, hypnosis works much more quickly and effectively than any other methods that can be applied to stpopany habits like quitting smoking, alcoholism, and losing your weight.

Hence, keeping the above points in mind, you should try hypnosis if you have tried hard to quit smoking and lose weight and yet have failed to do so. All the best!

Lose Weight with Hypnosis

It is said that losing weight is not so easy, because generally food addicts always gain weight. What if when you saw your favorite food, you would not touch it? It might seem to be a strange thought but this can be achieved by hypnosis. With the help of Hypnosis  LeaderinNYC,  you are bound to get rid of your food addictions and hence lose the weight you were trying to.

Reasons for not losing weight

Generally, you might work out every day, follow a strict and severe diet and still not lose your weight. The basic question in this case is how this is possible. The answer to this question can come in various forms. The first one is that you might be a comfort eater. Comfort eaters are the ones who keep on eating to overcome any sort of sadness or loneliness or in short to cope up with life.

Generally, it may also happen that you are on a strict diet, the food becomes much more appealing to you and hence you cannot resist it no matter how much you try. One common mistake that most people do is deluding their own self. You say to yourself that you will start dieting from tomorrow, but when tomorrow comes, you postpone the date to the next day.

 Hypnosisis an effective tool for permanent weigh loss.

Hypnosis can really help you to overcome this problem. Your hypnotist is just like your coach who will guide you through the process of losing weight by helping you to eliminate food addictions and all other issue. Also, he/she will guide you to replace your negative habits and remove your unnecessary reliability on food as a solace or a means of coping up with your life.

When the above problems are taken care of, you will find that it is easy to lose weight, but for that to happen, you will need the help of a hypnotist as well as hypnosis.

The Neuroscience of Hypnosis

There is a lot of science behind hypnosis but many people are confused as to what hypnosis really is. Alternative therapies like hypnosis are becoming much more accepted and hypnosis can be used for a lot more than just weight loss or smoking cessation. Hypnosis has been around for hundreds of years dating as far back as ancient Egypt and it is really nothing more than a state of mind or a heightened state of consciousness, in which one if more susceptible to suggestion.

Hypnosis cannot only be used for typical things like weight loss and stop smoking, it can also be used to help people overcome anxiety and fear. Despite what you may believe and what you may have been told, hypnosis is not sleep. Hypnosis has been shown to be a very distinct form of consciousness. Neuroscience is shedding a whole new light on the magic and mystery of hypnosis and brainwave scans have shown that.

Hypnosis in NYC for Weight Loss

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