Addiction and Drug Abuse
At Hypnosis Leader, we employ individualized protocol to assist with any type of addiction. We are very serious about protecting our clients’ privacy. Each and every individual is treated with respect and individual attention.
Anyone with an addiction does not have control over what he or she is doing, taking or using. In general, these individuals experience a pervasive loss of control. One can be addicted to recreational drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroine as well as certain prescription medications.
As a pharmacist, I have seen a significant number of patients become addicted to prescription medications. Perhaps, initially, there was a need for these type of medications (for example: pain-killers, anti-anxiety, appetite suppressants, medications for ADHD). However, over time, if used improperly, addiction can develop.
If for some reason you are a victim of addiction and have lost control over your life, hypnosis is a very effective way to address this issue. We have developed a practical and successful hypnosis protocol that can help you get your life back.
If you want freedom from your addictions, while making vast improvements to your lifestyle, we recommend that you contact us today for a free ten-minute consultation.
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person.